Q-haus News

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Q-Haus to Build a Unique Upside Down House

An upside-down house will be built in Tartu this year. Q-haus has been involved in this project from the very beginning. We took care of the engineering design and we made sure the whole building could be manufactured indoor using our timber element technology.

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CompactLiving läbis digidiagnostika

CompactLiving viis koostöös Columbus Eestiga läbi digidiagnostika projekti 2019.a. I-poolaastal. Projekti eesmärgiks oli koostada CompactLiving’u digitaalse arengu visioon ja tegevuskava. Projekti tulemusena tuvastati parendamist vajavad valdkonnad ning pakuti välja arendustegevuste teekaart. Läbiviidud projekti toetas Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus läbi Digidiagnostika meetme.

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Q-haus chooses Weinmann to increase its Productivity

Here at Qhaus we take development very seriously and we made a commitment to improve constantly the way we work. We are now upgrading our main saw to a fully automated Weinmann machine that will work in perfect integration with our ERP system.

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