Q-haus is super air-tight!
Another Pressure Test, made from one of our Customers in Norway, confirmed that Qhaus buildings are super air-tight!
The so called “Blower-door test” is mandatory in Norway in order to asses the energy performance of the building.
Norvegian Regulations set that measured air-tigthness shall be n50<2.5 h-1.
Last pressure test confirmed once again the outstanding result of n50<1.0 h-1… in other words Qhaus buildings are 2.5 times more air-tight that what required by the strict Norvegian Standard TEK10.
In the pressure test a blower-door fan is used to blow air into or out of the building, creating either a positive or negative pressure differential between inside and outside. Standard pressure for the test is 50 Pa (hence the name n50). This pressure difference forces air through all holes and penetrations in the building envelope. The tighter the building (e.g. fewer holes), the less air is needed from the blower door fan to create a change in building pressure and the better will be the Energy performance.
The Passivhaus Standard states that a Passivhaus shall have n50<0.6 h-1.
Qhaus target for the near future is to reach and pass the 0.6 threshold.