Standard Building Constructions

1.1 External Wall Elements – horizontal wooden cladding

  1. Wooden frame 45 x 45 mm
  2. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  3. Vapour control layer 0.2 mm
  4. Wooden frame 45 x 195 mm
  5. Mineral wool insulation 200 mm [ λD=0.035 W/(mK) ]
  6. Wind protection gypsum board GTS 9 mm
  7. Wind-barrier DivoWind
  8. Vertical ventilation battens 28 x 45 mm
  9. Rat net
  10. Horizontal wooden boarding 21 x 145 mm UYV (once primer painted, once painted, nailed onto the element)

1.2 Internal Wall Elements – load-bearing internal walls

  1. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  2. Wooden frame 45 x 120 mm
  3. Mineral wool insulation 125 mm [ λD=0.035 W/(mK) ]
  4. Plastic bands for keeping the wool inside the elements

1.3 Internal Wall Elements – non load-bearing internal walls

  1. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  2. Wooden frame 45 x 95 mm
  3. Mineral wool insulation 50 mm [ λD=0.035 W/(mK) ]
  4. Plastic bands for keeping the wool inside the elements

2.1 Ceiling Elements – ceiling between floors

  1. Moisture resistant chipboard P5 Durelis 22 mm with tongue and groove
  2. Wooden beams 45 x 245 cc according to static calculations
  3. Mineral wool insulation 100 mm [ λD=0.035 W/(mK) ]
  4. Plastic bands for keeping the wool inside the elements
  5. Ceiling battens 28 x 70 mm, cc 400 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus

3.1 Balcony Elements and Materials – cold balcony

  1. 2nd layer of SBS (Technoelast K-PS 170/5000) – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  2. 1st layer of SBS (underlayer Technoelast K-MS 170/4000) is mounted at Q-haus factory
  3. Moisture resistant chipboard P5 Durelis 22 mm with tongue and groove
  4. Battens with inclination 45 x 120 mm
  5. Wooden beams 45 x 245 cc according to static calculations
  6.  Insect net – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  7. Eaves and soffit boards 21 x 95 mm (once primed, once painted) – delivered as loose materials,
    installed by Q-haus

3.2 Balcony Elements and Materials – warm balcony

  1. 1st layer of SBS (underlayer Technoelast K-MS 170/4000) is mounted at Q-haus factory
  2. 2nd layer – Technoelast K-PS 170/5000 – is mounted at the building site
  3. Moisture resistant chipboard P5 Durelis 22 mm with tongue and groove
  4. Battens with inclination 45 x 120 mm
  5. Wind-barrier DivoWind
  6. Wooden beams 45 x 245 cc according to static calculations
  7. Mineral wool insulation 250 mm [ λD=0.037 W/(mK) ]
  8. Vapour control layer 0.2 mm – delivered as loose materials
  9. Battens for ventilation 45 x 145 mm cc 600 mm – delivered as loose materials
  10. Mineral wool insulation 150 mm [ λD=0.037 W/(mK) ] – delivered as loose materials
  11. Ceiling battens 28 x 70 mm cc 400 mm – delivered as loose materials
  12. Gypsum board 4 PRO 13 mm / Gypsum board GKBi 13 mm (inside wet rooms) – delivered as loose
    materials, installed by client

3.3 Balcony/Terrace Floor Elements

  1. Floor boards 28 x 120 mm (green impregnation)
  2. Wooden beams 45 x 145 mm (green impregnation)

4.1 Roof Elements and Materials – warm roof

  1. Ruukki Classic SR35-475C, Pural Matt colour black (RR33), thickness 0.6 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  2. Wooden battens 28 x 95 mm cc 200 – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  3. Battens for ventilation 45 x 70 mm
  4. Roof underlay Siga Majcoat
  5. Double rafters 2 x 45 x 195 mm cc according to static calculations
  6. Mineral wool insulation 400 mm [ λD=0.037 W/(mK) ]
  7. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  8. Vapour control layer 0.2 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  9. Ceiling battens 28 x 70 mm cc 400 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  10. Gypsum board 4PRO 13 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by client

4.2 Roof Elements and Materials – cold roof

  1. Ruukki Classic SR35-475C, Pural Matt colour black (RR33), thickness 0.6 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  2. Wooden battens 28 x 95 mm cc 200 – delivered as loose materials, installed by Q-haus
  3. Battens for ventilation 45 x 70 mm
  4. Roof underlay Siga Majcoat
  5. Rafters 45 x 195 mm cc according to static calculations
  6. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  7. Insect net – delivered as loose materials
  8. Eaves and soffit boards 21 x 95 mm (once primed, once stained) – delivered as loose materials,
    installed by Q-haus

4.3 Roof Elements and Materials – warm SBS roof

  1. 2nd layer – Technoelast K-PS 170/5000 – is mounted at the building site
  2. 1st layer of SBS (underlayer Technoelast K-MS 170/4000) is mounted at Q-haus factory
  3. Moisture resistant chipboard P5 Durelis 22 mm with tongue and groove
  4. Battens for ventilation 45 x 145 mm cc 600 mm
  5. Wind-barrier DivoWind
  6. Double rafters 2 x 45 x 195 mm cc according to static calculations
  7. Mineral wool insulation 400 mm [ λD=0.037 W/(mK) ]
  8. Plastic bands for keeping the wool inside the elements
  9. Vapour control layer 0.2 mm – delivered as loose materials
  10. Ceiling battens 28 x 70 mm cc 400 mm – delivered as loose materials
  11. Gypsum board 4 PRO 13 mm – delivered as loose materials, installed by client

4.4 Roof Elements and Materials – cold SBS roof

  1. 2nd layer – Technoelast K-PS 170/5000 – is mounted at the building site
  2. 1st layer of SBS (underlayer Technoelast K-MS 170/4000) is mounted at Q-haus factory
  3. Moisture resistant chipboard Durelis P5 18 mm with tongue and groove
  4. Battens for ventilation 45 x 145 mm cc 600 mm
  5. Wind-barrier DivoWind
  6. Rafters 45 x 195 mm cc according to static calculations
  7. Insect net – delivered as loose materials
  8. Eaves and soffit boards 21 x 95 mm (once primer stained, once stained), also for covering the
    underside of cold roof elements – delivered as loose materials

5.1 Parapet Elements – horizontal wooden cladding

  1. Moisture resistance chipboard P5 Durelis 10 mm
  2. Wooden frame 45 x 95 mm
  3. Wind protection gypsum board GTS 9 mm
  4. Wind-barrier DivoWind
  5. Vertical ventilation battens 28 x 45 mm
  6. Rat net
  7. Horizontal wooden boarding 21 x 145 mm UYV (once primer painted, once painted, nailed onto the
  8. Metal sheet on top – delivered as loose materials

Last update: 05.03.2018