
Catalog houses

Since the majority of houses we have built are done according to the drawings from our customers, we don’t have much houses in our catalogue. Therefore all the houses here are hand-picked by our team as the most beautiful houses we think there are. The architecture of all the houses can be changed to meet your needs and expectations.

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Cliff – Compact Living

Flat roof
One floor
Area 74 m2

Cliff – Compact Living

This modular house is perfect for accommodation for friends and family members overnight. It also can successfully be used to accommodate larger groups of people in ski-resorts or rent the units out in Airbnb, or as a private lake-house for a romantic weekends. These modular houses are suitable in different climate areas all around the world.

The concept is developed by Q-haus in a cooperation with different customers to achieve the best outcome that is practical, beautiful and smart.
It has a high-end interior and exterior choose of materials and solutions, however, it can be altered to meet the needs and expectations of any customer to have it standard and contemporary.

• Large living room with open kitchen and dining area
• Sauna with a direct entrance to terrace
• Net/gross area: 64,3/77,6m2
• 3 bedrooms
• 1 bathroom
• 2 storage rooms (internal/external)
• 1 terrace 64,6m2

Cliff idea is to offer more space with smaller measurements of the building with taking advantage of a smart-home technology for a more eco-friendly approach.

Q-haus project Cliff


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 189 m2


This 3-bedroom light row house with its modern and nature friendly design is perfect home for young families. On the first floor you have a light livingroom with open kitchen with direct access to the big covered terrace.

• Large living room with open kitchen
• 4-5 bedrooms
• 2 bathrooms
• Walk-in wardrobe
• Floors: 2
• Sauna
• Gross area: 189 m2
• Nett area: 141 m2

All the bedrooms are located on the second floor. The master bedroom has a large beautiful walk-in wardrobe as well as a private bathroom, which only has entrance from the bedroom.

Q-haus project Eydis


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 200 m2


This is perhaps the nicest house in Husdrømmen catalogue. Living room and kitchen are at an angle that makes a certain distinction between these. The house has 4 bedrooms, but with the possibility of a fifth.

• Large living room with open kitchen
• 4-5 bedrooms
• Walk-in wardrobe
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 200m2

The master bedroom is really a chapter for itself. Here you have access to your own terrace for the morning sun, for a perfect start to the day. Here is also a walk-in wardrobe as well as space for a sliding door wardrobe on the opposite side.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Herskap+


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 198 m2


Modern is as the name says, a modern home that suits most families. Here you have all the bedrooms on the 2nd floor, and a large and spacious living / kitchen area on the main floor. Large bright rooms are a gangster in this house. The master bedroom has direct access to the large terrace and one can really enjoy life.

• Large living room with open kitchen
• 4 bedrooms
• Walk-in wardrobe
• 2 bathrooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 198m2

In the dining room there is the entrance to a small covered terrace where you can enjoy late evenings after a nice meal. The house can also be adapted to 3 bedrooms and for example a large walk-in wardrobe, or maybe an office? The possibilities are many, and we are more than happy to adapt to their needs. The house fits best on flat plot, but can also be fitted with the lower floor, with a rental area and garage if you wish.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Moderne


Gable roof
One floor
Area 163 m2


Here you have everything you need on the 1st floor. Having all features on the same level has become modern again, and more and more choose this type of house. Our house is adapted to flat plots. The house is universally designed and can accommodate for example wheelchair users.

• Large living room with open kitchen
• 3-4 bedrooms
• Walk-in wardrobe
• Floors: 1
• Gross area: 163m2

The master bedroom is really a chapter for itself. Here you have access to your own terrace for the morning sun, for a perfect start to the day. Here is also a walk-in wardrobe as well as space for a sliding door wardrobe on the opposite side.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Herskap


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 234 m2


Inno is a beautiful house with a modern feel. In the loft room is the extra high room height that invites you to many extra cozy evenings. The master bedroom is designed as a separate adult section, with a large beautiful walk-in wardrobe as well as a private bathroom, which only has entrance from the bedroom.

• Large living room with open kitchen
• 4-5 bedrooms
• Walk-in wardrobe
• 2 bathrooms
• 2 living rooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 234m2

In addition, there is a large terrace on the 2nd floor, which also serves as a carport if you wish. Here the sun can be enjoyed at two of the house. Inno can also be supplied with a large living room and kitchen on the 2nd floor, and all bedrooms on the 1st floor. Request all drawings.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Inno


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 210 m2


Klassisk is a traditional house that most people know. Large bright surfaces with a lot of light from the big windows are timeless and always a sure winner.

• 2-3 living rooms
• 3-4 bedrooms
• 2 bathrooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 210m2

This is really a practical house for a family with children, with a large laundry room with a private entrance so that children can’t escape the hall.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Klassisk

Herskap x2

Gable roof
Two floors
Area 339 m2

Herskap x2

This 2-family house Herskap is a large and beautiful residence with 2 apartments divided into two levels. The bedrooms are mainly located on the 1st floor, which makes the living room and kitchen up to the 2nd floor. This gives you the view from the rooms you stay the most in.

• 4+4 bedrooms
• 2+2 bathrooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 339m2

There are 4 bedrooms in each unit. The living room and kitchen is almost 55 square meters and is separated by a wall.

Designed by Husdrømmen

Q-haus project Herskap x2


Gable roof
Two floors
Area 318 m2


The low-energy house Marie is a beautiful 2-family house with 2 apartments divided into two levels.
There are 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in each unit.

• 4+4 bedrooms
• 2+2 bathrooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 318m2

Living room and kitchen are at an angle that makes a certain distinction between these. In addition there is a nice family room for relaxation on the second floor.

Q-haus project Marie


Flat roof
Two floors
Area 208 m2


Eviza is a modern family house with two big terraces to enjoy the sun from two different sides for the whole day. There is a specious living area with kitchen and a sauna with a relaxation room on the first floor.

• 3 bedrooms
• 1 bathrooms
• Floors: 2
• Gross area: 208m2

All the bedrooms are on the second floor. Master bedroom has additionally a walk-in wardrobe. There is also a garage for two family cars.

Q-haus project Eviza