Compactliving Quality and Environmental Principles

On top of ISO Certifications, Q-CompactLiving implements the following guidelines:

– complying with all the legislation pertaining to our operations;
– consistently offering our clients products and services that meet quality expectations, are completed on time and comply with the applicable legislation, standards and regulations;
– actively engaging in plans to constantly improve our quality, permitting our employees to do their work right the first time around;
– constant ongoing quality checks, the results of which are analysed to avoid the recurrence of nonconformities and to prevent their occurrence in the first place;
– constant process of quality improvement under which each employee takes responsibility for the quality of her/his work;
– working together with our clients, constantly finding optimal solutions to our clients’ needs;

– considering the principles of sustainable development;
– utilising and manufacturing environmentally friendly materials/products meeting the highest requirements;
– employing environmentally friendly equipment meeting product requirements and minimising any harmful environmental impacts from our operations;
– treating waste in a manner safe for the environment and humans, and recycling them where possible
– raising our employees’ qualifications and environmental awareness through training;
– informing all our employees and any parties or companies acting for us about our quality and environmental policy and objectives.